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2021/3/15 1:11:35发布119次查看
纯化水系统purified water system
purified water system as a key system for gmp certification, has important significance in the whole certification process. two reverse osmosis, reverse osmosis + edi, two reverse osmosis + edi's core technology has been widely used in pharmaceutical purified water system to take.
water purification equipment: pre-treatment system (including multi-media filters, activated carbon filters and softeners), purified water, water system: two reverse osmosis, reverse osmosis + edi, two reverse osmosis + edi system) purified water distribution system, pasteurized and cip disinfection system and control system (fully automated control system and automatic control system).
the equipment adopts plc control, touch screen display equipment process flow, conductivity, ph value, liquid level, flow velocity of flow, and manual and automatic operation on the touch screen.
water production level in the entire system, two reverse osmosis and edi has failed reflux device water production, water production into a treatment program when the conductivity of the water production line with settings, does not comply with the set value return handler before a re-processing. no dead ends when the pure water tank is full when the equipment will be fully automated to enter the small-circulation system, to ensure that the operation of the water production.
complete system with a high and low pressure alarm, water tank alarm, fault alarm, compressed air, low alarm, the conductivity does not meet the requirements of the alarm function. three control systems, the conductivity of the water production, storage and usb printer interface, so that the implementation of automatic control and operation. pump raw water pump frequency conversion control. paperless recorder comes with instant print.


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